

Beggars Banquet - BEGA 65 CD

CALL AN album Love and you're asking for trouble. Foot hard down on the wah-wah pedal, mystical symbols a-gogo and titles like Nirvana, Brother Wolf; Sister Moon, and Revolution. The Cult had shot their load and landed way, way beyond the realms of idle doodling - this was '70s revivalism in no half measures.

In retrospect the Love period, The Second Phase, is merely larval, a stepping stone to the Cult's real Nirvana. Yes it is rather slovenly and silly, but nonetheless it makes sense from this end.

Sanctuary - I think Sanctuary is just kind of a basic love song.

Ian Astbury - December 23/1991

Sanctuary - What's the song about? Sex. Plain and simple, it's about sex. I've had sex and I'm very proud of that fact.

Ian Astbury - October 3/1994

Apart from the monolothic rock & roll masterpiece She Sells Sanctuary, Love is devoid of memorable riffs and melodies.

Stephen Thomas Erlewine
All Music Guide