A very small crowd but a very up crowd. Lots of people showing thier appreciation and enjoying themselves
even though Billy was having serious problems getting his guitars sorted out. At one point he even stopped
playing and for a minute I was worried he was going to pull the plug completely. It took about 2/3 of the
show to get things ironed out and Ian having tech(?) trouble with his tambourines too? Throwing one of them
back stage, a couple more into the crowd and examining yet another very closely before deciding to use that
one. The guitar problems definitley were a distraction at points. There have been many times when I have
seen Billy upset and not understood what he was ticked about with his guitar. Just a perfectionist, I
suppose? This time it was noticeable. Even with the sound problems and the late start (? --- 9:50PM and I
think they cut Spiritwalker from the set due to the late start). The show was a bit unbalanced but very
glad to have went none-the-less and overall a good show. Ian encouraged the crowd that if they wanted a
new album then to get onto their facebook page and let them know.
Everyman And Woman Is A Star
New York City
The Phoenix
Sweet Soul Sister
I Assassin
Sun King
Fire Woman
Wild Flower
She Sells Sanctuary
Lil' Devil
Love Removal Machine